
I remember a long time ago, well what seems like a long time ago I was at a set by Tony Slade and when he finished I stayed to hear a newcomer by the name of Vanellope, it was maybe her second show. I remember thinking as I listened to her that she may be a hidden gem in the SL live music scene, and as time has passed Vanellope has gone from strength to strength, her star has shined high and bright and continues to rise. Droppin The Stream is proud to bring you this interview between Spike and Van....Love Harlow
Spike: Vanellope , Thank you for accepting the offer to be Musician of the Month for July 2022 at Dropping The Stream (DTS). You know who I am, mostly as the owner of The WoolShed, where we are truly grateful to have you singing bi-weekly and the occasional fill, smiles. Me personally, I believe you have a beautiful voice and a very talented musician here in SL and love to hear you sing. You are also growing your fan-base and becoming a musician in demand. So, let me get on with the questions, and again, thank you, smiles
Vanellope, tell us a bit about yourself, who is Vanellope, where you grew up and when you began singing?
Vanellope: Vanellope is a sweet and simple girl. It is my joy to make people happy and always positive in life coz I do believe that if you want to change the world it will start on how you treat and care for other people even by just small gestures like smiling will make someone feel lighter and the smile is contagious.
I'm naturally born Filipina, I was born at Parang Maguindanao but I grew up in Davao City. this is where I lived most of my life. I started singing at a very young age and joined a singing contest at 12 yrs old. I won the solo contest singing One Moment In Time made famous by Whitney Houston who was the first music artist I admired. During my school years I participated in events and sang there many times. Through my teenage years I was enlightened at a very young age. Thats where I found and became active in the church for many years where I was given the task as Music Coordinator. This is where I was molded and trained in music for years. During National Youth Camp I have participated in music competitions as well and won the Solo Singing Contest with a winning piece written and composed by my mentor.

Spike: We all have an interesting story on how or why we came into SL, can you tell us how you came to be here?
Vanellope: It was really luck when I watched a video from YouTube and I saw an ad for Second Life and that is how I discovered this virtual world.
When I came to Second life I was so amazed that this kind of world existed for so long and celebrated 19 years this year. I really wish I had known of this virtual world much earlier. I've met so many people here from around the globe. SL has grown in me as I explore and learn many things here. I found some of my dearest friends here and then I learned that there's a live music scene here as well and it made me happier coz i really love music. Before I was only a listener to the live performers here and I admired them every time.
Spike: Vanellope, tell us how you got into singing in SL and what your first gig was?
Vanellope" When the pandemic hit our world in 2020 my world in real life crashed as well as our business that we had for years. We were forced to close and so unfortunate we couldn't sustain it anymore and we all know how hard it is to run a business during the pandemic years. That changed our lives and we were trying to find a way to get financial support for my family. This is what pushed me to sing here in Second Life. I can not forget my first gig was on August 29th 11pm SLT at Gonja Land. Im so blessed and so grateful that the people here are very supportive of one another. Those who have supported me through my journey here as a live performer, Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart more than words can say how I deeply and sincerely thank you all. Im forever grateful that you wonderful people have supported the live music here in Second life unceasingly.

Spike: You have an amazing voice and sing a good mix of genre's. Do you have any favorites or the style of music you are most comfortable with and who influences your choices of music?
Vanellope: OMG! Thank you so much for that awesome compliment. As a music lover I love all genres, but there are certain songs that really hit me and when I love it, I will sing it. When talking about what my favorite songs are, there's too many to mention, but the songs from 80's are my favorite. Gives me a feeling of nostalgiaevery time when I hear them playing. I think the radio has influenced me so much more (laughing out loud).
Spike: Tell us a bit about your singing experiences outside of SL?
Vanellope: Since I was trained at the church I was involved in some activities there like National Youth Camp held every summer of the year and have joined Solo, Duet, Trio, Ensembles, and Choir Competitions. I have gone through many lessons by my voice coaches and mentors in music, and I'm always at the weddings to sing for the Bride and Groom.

Spike: Vanellope, you do have a great following and I know from your early days here at The WoolShed that you have grown in popularity and its always a pleasure for me to hear you perform in The WoolShed. If there is anything else you would like to share with your followers or I have forgotten to ask, please tell us here.
Vanellope" What really matters to me is the joy of the crowd. I want all of them to have fun and a great time that's why I always give my all every performance I have. Their presence and being there is highly appreciated. It is my joy and pleasure whenever I see the crowd who are so happy during the show. To see them having fun and being silly and forget their problems is enough for me, what a fulfilment every time, it is priceless!
Vanellope" To all the awesome people who have supported me all the way to my journey who have been there every show. You are amazingly awesomely wonderful people that I admire and treasure. I want you to know that you have given me hope, strength, courage and faith to keep doing what I love to do, to sing. To those who have believed in me, those who helped me throughout my journey, my friends, you are a family to me. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I will be forever grateful to you all. Best regards and much love to you all. I love you all awesome people!!! I keep saying that after every show and I mean it.
Thank you so much Wool Shed Family and Droppin the Stream Staff. Thank you so so so much for making me a part of this family. I feel so honored and inspired. Thank you so much Spike. Huggsss to you all...Sincerely Yours, Vanellope ♥
Thank You Vanellope