Sully VonSwag
Sully VonSwag is a man who wears many hats, an amazing guitar player, co-owner of The Mystic Muse, builder, teacher, mentor to many, but the hat I like him wearing best is that of a friend. Sully took time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with me for our August Artist Of The Month.
Harlow - First of all Sully I want to say thank you for taking time out to do this interview with me for DTS. Sully VonSwag....now there has got to be a story in that name, would you care to share...)for me I imagine you as a big blue cuddly Sully from Monsters Inc)
Sully: Ahh the name, it's not a quick story to tell. When I created my SL account I did not know the name I signed up with would be used as "MY NAME" in SL. I used my old youtube handle (which shall never be mentioned again lol) and shortened it and to my horror it was MY SL NAME! It made me crazy the way people on mic would try and pronounce it. A friend of mine told me about "Display Names", She explained how to do it and I simply asked her "OK what?" She said "Sultan of Swag" So I added that as "my name" Up until about 2 years ago it was "Sultan of Swag", to this day there are still a few of those early connections that still just call me Sultan or Swag. After awhile I got a little tired of that, it sounded more like a moniker* than a name *Theres a whole other story of the Blessing / Curse of "Sultan of Swag" The Lindens finally brought back last names, Oh Joy Rapture! Even a contest to suggest last names! VonSwag was not a winner of the contest, I still hope to see it show up on the list of last names < HINT to the readers :) The bringing back of last names allowed be to come up with what I have now. I happened to be watching a horror movie one day, one of the characters was Sully (sorry not a big blue cuddly) and I thought Sultan Sully had a certain ring to it that I kinda liked and then it kind of hit me that being of German heritage the word Von in German basically means "OF". So to me it is now more of a name while still keeping a nod to my friend who originally said "Sultan of Swag"

Harlow - I am gonna jump right in because I know the story and it just touches so much on the kindness and love of those that care for you, so I hope that you dont mind me asking you to share it with the readers.. There was a time that you were unwell (to say the least) and in need of assistance and some special people did something quite amazing for you.
Sully - Oh Harlow I hope you realize the can of worms this will open LMAO.
Ok the story in its simplest form. I came close to dying in 2018, an abdominal Aortic Aneurysm that was just about ready to burst. Being self employed in 1st Life (more on that term in a minute) with no health insurance. It was one of the roughest periods of my life. Had it not been for my SL little sister, Velvet Rose Starlight with the help of Laya of Cafe Musique and another venue owner Brindimere, who together organized a 12 hour LIVE music benefit for me in SL. These musicians GAVE an hour of their time to help me, Some of them I did not even know! The lindens they raised, I was able to cash out and it allowed me to survive the 3 months I could not work! It doesn't get any more REAL than that !
I do understand why people use the term RL, but for me, my profile has a 1st life tab not an RL tab, all the people and friends I know and have in SL are REAL! I wish I still had the link to this video that showed how the human mind cannot distinguish between that which is real or that which is imagined. For many in SL THIS is their life or an extension of their 1st life. I better stop there on that subject :p
Harlow - You are an incredibly gifted guitarist....what made you start to play and who were your early influences and who are they now? Have they shifted as you have gotten older?
Sully - Ok now I'm blushing a little (only a little) :p I don't look at or think of myself as Incredibly gifted on guitar but I can play a little. Over my years of playing, I've run across some of those egotistical musicians and oddly enough the old saying "If you think you are the best, wait 15 minutes someone will come along and blow you away" is very true. I've seen it many times. I'd rather remain very humble about the tiny bit of "talent" or "skill" I may have.
I would have to say the reason I started to play is that I was just drawn to electric guitar and when i heard the precision of Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple) I was amazed, later on David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) would probably be my main influence. There have been and are many influences but I have to say that every "famous" guitar player who has made a name for themselves, have their own style and I hope that I have a style that speaks to the listeners. I really try to put emotion in every note, every phrase I play. There is a story that Eric Clapton supposedly said "Yon can play a million notes a minutes and not say a thing or you can play just one note with feeling that speaks volumes"
Harlow - You are not only an artist but you are a venue owner as well. How hard is it to keep a venue running without going into the red in here and if you had your time over would you do it again?
Sully - As a few people know, Velvet and I in our 1st lives are just barely getting by. Somehow we keep things going but that is all due to our artists and patrons! Our venue came about for the LOVE of Live music and the community of SL. We have been very blessed with the artists we have had and those that still remain. I will add anyone thinking they can just open a venue to make lindens, Don't kid yourself. It is a LOT of work and TIME!

Harlow - How did you come to be in SL and what makes you stay?
Sully - I was told about SL from a friend from another website (theres another long story there as well) Originally after creating my account I didn't stay. It was when i got a new computer in 2016 an logged in that I got hooked. I LOVE the artistry and creativity this platform we call SL allows! The live music talent that exists in here is amazing! "when" I win the lottery I am going to buy some land with cottages and a recording studio and small live venue and start SLice Records! I'm positive some of the collaborations that could happen would be AMAZING!

Harlow - What is your opinion of the live music scene in Sl and is there anyway that you think it could improve?
Sully - OK I will have to share somewhat unpopular opinions here, but 1st I will say again the talent that exists in SL is amazing! Now for the unpopular parts, for the most part I feel there can be a bit too much snobbery, as a friend of mine says we are a LIVE music COMMUNITY not a competition. Sadly human beings tend to be competitive. I wish we could all see it as ART and ART shouldn't be judged it either appeals to you or it doesn't. To me the VOICE is an instrument but there are those that think just because someone sings to tracks they aren't a musician well to those people I say go argue with Merriam Webster :p
{Definition of musician
: a composer, conductor, or performer of music}
The other part of unpopular opinion is, while I know everyone would love to be payed for their time and talent, I will say as someone that used to play in a band, the cost for me to play in SL is quite minimal compared to those days in my band, drive time, fuel costs, set up / tear down time and the beating that equipment takes "on the road". In SL I am in the comfort of my home and can play naked if I want! (and may have at least once) LOL
Harlow - If you could tell your noob Sully anything, what would it be?
Sully - this one is the easiest - Learn to build / create / open a marketplace store!
Harlow - Lastly what advice would you give to anyone wanting to start playing gigs in SL?
Sully- First and foremost in Sullys Book of performing, get the best equipment YOU can afford and learn to use it properly. You WILL be singing and or playing to a "REAL" audience, they just happen to be digital representations of "real" people and "your audience" deserves the best you can give them, Just as in 1st life! Secondly hit a lot of open mics to start out! Thirdly BE FRIENDLY! MAKE FRIENDS BE KIND!
Finally if you want to charge a fee do so, but don't be opposed to doing tips venues - Keep in mind not everyone in SL has a disposable income, Venues do not MAKE money, it is mostly an expense or breaking even IF LUCKY!
In closing I'd like everyone to understand that these are my opinions and we are all entitled to our opinions. I am not pointing fingers at anyone or saying people should do things my way . .
Thank You Sully