Miha K Shamen at Ocean Dreams 06/6/21
For me the blues has the ability to touch me in a place that no other music can for there is a distinct link between the music and my emotions, and contrary to the label "Blues" its not all about being sad. Its about telling a story in a way that takes you though the rollercoaster journey of life and the way we interpret it,
It's 6pm Sunday night in Australia, dinner is still a while off and I am in need of distraction when I see a group notice that from The Woolshed that Miha k Shamen will be playing at the relatively new blues venue on the sim, Ocean Dreams. I immediately messaged Spike, the owner and dear friend and ask "Is this guy any good" to which he replies "Get over here and see for yourself"...so get over I did...and let me tell you I was glad for Miha had me smiling from the moment the fedora pork pie hat landed on my head (thanks for that)
Now, there are a lot of great blues artists in SL and Droppin The Stream has had the honour of blogging some of the best (JimmyT Dukes, Kendall Jigsaw and Tone Uriza) just to name a few...and tonight I am pleased that we got to add another to the list., for Miha Sherman is one of the very best that SL has to offer....and a KIWI so he is practically an Aussie neighbour.
His song list reads like who's who of blues royalty from BB KIng, Buddy Guy, Joe Bonamassa, Robert Cray, Muddy Waters and of course the legendary Stevie Ray Vaughan, but it was a favorite Eric Clapton song of mine, I'm Tore Down that had me sending a request through, and as Miha sang the familiar words I found myself lost in the reminiscence of a time so long ago and the man that introduced me to not only I'm Tore Down but many great songs and life experiences in general.....thank you MIkey.
Miha not only plays the guitar live and sings from his heart but the way he engages with his audience, jumping off stage and wandering around the venue, stopping to chat and acknowledge those that came to see him that had me sold. Miha plays all over the grid but Ocean Dreams on an Aussie Sunday night is the place to be....Packs my hat away for future use.