DJ Whiskey @ Blue Wolf 26/05/2023
Updated: May 29, 2023
Lazily scrolling through FB on an Australian Friday morning and a day off from work I saw a post about the blues being played at a new venue. There was no LM but as the Blues is my fave genre, I was intrigued and responded to the post asking for a LM. It was promptly delivered to me inworld, but there were two thing that I got wrong . First of all was the day (being Aussie I am a day ahead) and I also wrongly assumed that it was live music (never assume.) All good, we all make mistakes and when I relaunched my website "Droppin' The Stream" I made a conscious decision to change it from a "Live" music website to a "music" website, afterall there are many forms of music in SL and DJ's work just as hard as live musicians. Like live musicians they have to work the crowd, interact with their listeners and line up the tunes, whether that be requests or their playlist.
Landing a little late I found myself at a gazebo surrounded by lush forest with a teleporter to the venue and also to a welcome center. I chose not to take the teleporter but instead I walked down the dirt path to the venue. Pausing outside I took a moment to take in my surrounds and when I saw the Bluewater county sheriff's car parked outside with lights flashing something made me immediately feel guilty. Now I don't know what happened but it wasn't me...I swear am innocent!!!!!
The venue is very well suited to a country club, with hitching posts. hay bales and gorgeous wagon wheel planters that I want at my home, but tonight it was all about the blues. Wandering inside I was greeted warmly by DJ Whiskey and venue owner Love Static who, along with a posse of others were dancing on the wonder the sherrif was there..once again I am innocent!!! Shifting my view away from the bar dancers I found the blue neon lighting on the walls and dance floor to be subtle and not overbearing, therefore not taking your attention away from the build or the DJ itself.
Jumping on a dance pad, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a song that I seldom hear anywhere but on my playlist, "You Got The Silver". On my playlist it is covered by Keith Richard and in my opinion a brilliant choice for him, but tonight DJ Whiskey was playing a version by Susan Tedeschi, and while it was different I still enjoyed it. Being noobie to a DJ Whiskey set, I found him to be a lot of fun, personable, engaging and more than happy to play my request of Six Strings Down, that wonderful tribute to the late, great SRV, and lets face it, it cant be easy to dance on a bar while spinning tunes.
Venue owner Love tells me that the Blue Wolf has been a work of "love" and its easy to see that with the attention to detail that has been put into this build. There's even a mechanical bull for when you need a bucking beast between your legs...sighs I lasted 6 seconds...more practice clearly needed.
Along with the well stocked bar there's also gaming tables if you want to fleece your friends out of their lindens while you chill to the music...oh and seeing the venue owner and DJ are busy dancing on the bar, you could probably sneak on behind and help yourself. (I needs to think of these things while I am at the venue, not as I am writing)
Unfortunately being my day off I had things to do in that other world and couldn't stay for the whole 2 hours, but I am looking forward to heading back to the Blue Wolf to hear DJ Whiskey spin his tunes again real soon.
So people if you are looking for a new place to hang out at head on over to the Blue Wolf and see how far you can go on that bull, not forgetting to jump in DJ Whiskey's IMs and see where he takes his music around the grid.
Great venue, great DJ, great music.
**side note i forgot to take pics so had to go over when venue was empty**