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AM Quar @ Snug Harbour 24/01/21

Writer's picture: Harlow DaviHarlow Davi

When you hear someone sing the blues like they are telling you a love story, you know you are hearing them sing from the heart and for me that takes me to a place that no other music can. AM Quar has a voice that does exactly that, singing in the emotionally expressive way that blues artists do so well and accompanied by a guitar playing style that has a voice all its own. Upon hearing him for the first time it reminded me that every day I feel like I am in a version of “SL Has Talent” and It wasn’t long into the hour tonight at Snug Harbour that I was thinking I would gladly pay to go to a blues festival in RL that featured him. AM Quar is an artist who takes you on a journey with his music so if you love your blues as I do then you will love him.


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