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Luna Phoenix is not only a mum to 4 young children,  she is also an incredibly talented performer who feels things deeply. As such Luna is someone who is vocal about her struggles with her mental health and the stigma so wrongly attached to it. She is passionate about spreading love and positive vibes in what can often be a cruel world, both SL and RL. Her message of support breeds support, love breeds love, and kindness breeds kindness is something that we should all strive to include into our daily lives. Luna Phoenix it was a pleasure to interview you and may your star and your message continue to shine bright. Love Harlow

Harlow: How old were you when you realized that you had a "voice"  and how did you get your start in music? Who have are are the musical influences that have helped shape the performer that you are today?



Luna: Giggles...Well, its kind of funny because, I didn't think I had a voice or realize it for a while. My mom who is my mom in Real World and Second Life, Alearah Phoenix. She often tells me stories about how she put a microphone in my hand at as early as a year and a half old. I was inspired at a very early age by Shirley Temple, and that was very very much encouraged by my mom and grandmother to help teach me my love for performing and making people happy. Music has always been my center even before I realized it. It seems everyone around me knew before I did that it was where i belonged. I was always in choir growing up, it was always my favorite class. I remember many Christmas's always being asked to sing Christmas Carole's at family gatherings. I grew up in my family church as well. I quickly became our church soloist and was always featured to share my gift with the congregation at services as well as many happy and sad occasions like wedding's and funerals. As I got older, I used my voice more and more. Directed the Confirmation Class Musical every year and was Music director for VBS (Vacation Bible School) every summer. 

From a very young age I saw my very Broadway musicals and was instantly drawn and hooked to the magic that is a stage show, or even a musical film. The music just had some sort of exciting feeling within my heart. The earliest musicals I remember watching were "My Fair Lady" "The Sound of Music" and "West Side Story" I seemed to fit into the Theatre world very easily.  That being said, Whitney Houston and Pasty Cline are two musical influences that I grew up with and they kinda shaped who I am for different reasons. 




My favorite aunt growing up loved Whitney Houston so much that it was constantly played and sung around me. I am very certain "I Will Always Love You" was the very first full big song I ever learned word for word and I was very young when that came to be. It was my aunt's favorite. Unfortunately, my aunt was murdered when I was  8 years old and it is something I will never forget. "I Will Always Love You" was played at her funeral and I can tell you that I never sing or hear that song without feelings every single emotion that I felt the day that I found out we lost her. That was also, the very first big death in my family I had to deal with and learn how to cope with and with it being such a unexpected sudden incident it really impacted me more than alot of even my own family realize. 


Pasty Cline was one of my moms favorites and still is as far as I am aware of. Played everywhere from the shower to car rides on family vacations.  I knew most of Patsy's collection of music before I was 10 years old. Singing her music today, allows me to feel close to my family especially those who were big influences on supporting my passion for music like my Grandfather who passed away in January of 2020. 

Personally if I separate myself out of  my family musical influences and the church for a moment and give myself a chance to state my first influences in music that shaped me. Disney is a big one, probably a big reason why even to this day Disney is a part of my heart and soul and the magic that goes along with it.


In addition to Disney I found my full range of my voice in 5th grade when I heard Charlotte Church sing for the first time. I was just drawn to this little girl who was my age and had the voice of an angel as people referred to her. I owned every sing one of her albums and would sing everything  I every heard her sing because I felt very connected to her. I Guess even though she is from Wales felt like we had alot in common. That was when I truly realized I had a voice, a sound a something people really really loved to hear. That is when I saw people smile and give me hugs after I sang to them. That is when I knew that I wanted to do something with my voice because I loved making people happy. That is when I realized that my music was my love and it was my own way to give everyone a personal hug straight to their heart and soul.

"Music has always been my centre even before I realized it"

Harlow: Following on from that how did you get your start in SL live music? Do you remember your first show and how that felt?


Luna: Oh I kind of expected this question...giggles. So I have been in Second Life about 15 years, but in my early years I was just barely an adult. And was brought into Second Life in about 2005. I mostly was here not knowing much about the music community here for the longest time. I explored with friends for years different regions and builds and mostly just hung out with each other at our personal homes and occasionally all went dancing together at a ballroom or club with a dj. However, I took an 8 year break from Second Life, and honestly, when I left the first time I never ever thought I would be back. In February of 2020 I had my twins at 32 weeks followed by an 8 week NICU stay and then once released COVID lock down. It was kind fo a whirlwind. I had been used to going to karaoke, Dj'n at bars. I was in an 80s rock band. I even spent time being a singing bartender. Lockdown took every music outlet I had away from me. Post Partum depression was in very full swing and the lockdown wasn't helping with that. One day I re downloaded Second Life onto my computer to just poke my head in and see what had all changed in the nearly decade I was away from it. I came in and checked landmarks I had but most of them didn't exist anymore and my goodness everyone looked so much more updated. I was completely lost. I brought my brother into SL about that time he was curious what it all was about. So I re learned things and taught him along the way. 


One evening I was having a really down moment and logged in but didn't know what I wanted to do or where i wanted to go since all I ever really knew was hanging with friends in SL and exploring. I didn't have any friends in SL anymore they had all moved on from this SL life and I am back not knowing what to do. So I did what I would have done in the real world. Searched to see if Karaoke existed anywhere. To my surprise ~O~ Karaoke Lounge popped up and I went over to check it out. There were people there and they were singing. Both over Nearby and by use of something I had never known of before a house stream. I went back over and over again because I felt comfortable there. For  several months I would spend most of my Second Life time there.


My first friend I made when I got back into Second Life again was Ghostie. She sort of adopted me as her "Little Sis" I was so amazed she introduced me to the Second Life performing scene. I would go to her shows. Which was the start of my Support Breeds Support Bug I caught. She always encouraged me to sing, even if it was over nearby since I didn't know anything about streaming. I did that at ~O~ Lounge ALOT! Ghostie would say to me often, girl we gotta get you on some stages performing. I worked to build some confidence to try to get there while still supporting my friend. Finally, I got a stream, and figured out how to make it all to work as one. I was at one of Ghostie's shows at Sweet Swag. I didn't know anything about how to get booked at places so I just simply introduced myself to Reggie and Rainey (The Owners) told them I was a good friend of Ghostie's and asked them if they ever needed a fill in or something let me know I would be happy to oblige. They were very kind, and just asked if I wouldn't mind singing something for them. So I did, "House of The Rising Sun" Which, is now one of my most requested songs at my shows ironically. I was thanked by them and quickly offered a weekly Monday spot. I filled in ALOT. sometimes sang for 2 hours straight but I loved it. Then I followed one of Ghostie's shows to Gonja Land and again introduced myself the same way I did at Sweet Swag to Gonja Girl and the response I got there was..."You wanna sing here, sure, your up next." I looked at the time. 8 minuets until the end of Ghostie's set. I scrambled but I did it. I pulled myself together in 8 minuets and followed Ghostie's set there. I started sining there weekly, then more and more. Before I knew it I was getting sets more and more places. But really as far as someone to thank for giving me the start would be to ~O~ Lounge, and Ghostie. They are ultimatly the ones who gave me that first push and support. 

"Music is a language everyone in the entire world can understand and feel"

Harlow: You are a mum of 4 (I think) young children, including twins. I was a mum of 4 under 5 and know how hectic life can be with young children. Being a mum can be overwhelming at times how do you juggle being a mum and a performer? Is there ever "mum guilt" when you are performing and one is wanting your attention?


Luna: Giggles, people who really know Luna by now know. My kids are the center of my universe yes I had music before them but they gave me purpose. For the longest time I would try to only do sets during their naps and late night when they were in bed for the night but I started getting more and was trying hard to keep them quiet. Finally at one point one of my twins learned to knock down/get out of the baby gate during a set. The set was hectic. I was singing and my eyes were everywhere trying to watch and make sure 3 toddlers carefully kept and eye on. I apologized over and over again to the patrons and the staff at the club but I kept hearing "Its okay, your a mom and you're human and that makes you even more real." That was a defining moment for me. My love of music and my love and passion for being a mommy could go hand in hand.


I kind of just threw in the towel so to speak of the way I was going about things and said if I can't beat them join them. So during my sets you will hear me joke about my little back up singers. Sometimes even my daughter who is 3 will ask if she can sing a song with me and she has on numerous occasions. The one thing about me is and I say this alot. I am the same me in SL and I am in RL and vise versa. So now I am just wing it and let it roll. There is no shortage of passion for music in my house. My kids all love music and they all love to sing. Who knows maybe I will have my own little Partridge Family or Jackson 5 one day! Giggles. And Yes I am a proud mother of 4 I have a 7.5 year old boy his name is Toby, I have a 3.5 year old little girl her name is Serenity and I have twin 2.5 year old boys Jaxon and Lukan. They keep me on my toys they keep me always going but I live for them and they are the little sparks that keep my my music and my song heard. They give me a reason every day of my life to share my love and passion with the world. It is not suppose to be easy, if it is your doing it wrong, but its so rewarding. 

Harlow: Part of your profile reads "Part of being Luna and a Phoenix in general is my undying, unfaulting and undenial mission to continue to spread my message of love and support for every person great and small. That is especially so with my beloved music community here in Second Life."


That's a wonderful moral code to live by, can you tell us what makes you so passionate about this?


Luna: Music is such a part of my life without it I would be lost. It has saved my life countless times. I have mentioned my battle with Post Partum Depression after my twins, but, it goes deeper than that. I have Major Depressive Disorder. There is such a negative Stigma on mental health and what it should look like, but the truth is I wish more people would speak out about it. We live in such a hard place in real life. There is  so much hate and so much violence and fighting. So much of it is unnecessary. Music is one thing I have found for myself to be therapeutic or healing. Music is a language everyone in the entire world can understand and feel. It doesn't matter if you don't always understand the words. Its what you feel and how it makes you feel that matters. Often in my set's how I am feeling drives the set.I have had my really upset sets full of angry music. I have had my heartbreak sets, I have had my heart is so full of love bursting at the seams sets and it will always be that way. Because music is life and music is passion and if we would let it can be the one thing that truly unites all of us. I have never heard a single person say, "Man, I hate music" Because no one hates music, even the deaf can feel music in their way. So in my support breeds support, love breeds love, and kindness breeds kindness message. I believe in it so strongly that it lives in my heart. I don't think its too difficult of a thing for us to all reach out to each other and just love and support one another. When I see people doing it I can't even describe the Euphoria I feel. I am someone who will always try to walk around with a smile on my face because even if I am not really feeling that smile on the inside maybe it might inspire someone else to smile. You never know what someone is going through on the inside. I smile through alot of pain to try get through everything. But I don't want to bring others down with my sadness and pain. So I smile, I try to make others smile through my music and my passion. Its like one of my favorite songs of all time  says. 

"Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you"

Harlow: You have love of Disney and Broadway, even having a separate songlist for these, and from FB I have learnt a wardrobe as well. Is this something from childhood or from having young children that has evolved to being part of the performer that you are?


Luna: Well..giggles if you ask my mom she will tell you I was born a Disney Princess. hehe. But all jokes aside. That Disney and Broadway magic is part of me, I don't just love it, I LIVE it. Its every fiber of every being that makes Luna, Luna!  This is another quote that is very near and dear to my heart and honestly sums up my house and the raising of my kids the best. 
"In This House we Let it Go, because Hakuna Matata and The Bear Necessities will Always Be Our Guide. To Infinity and Beyond all it takes is Faith, Trust and a Little bit of Pixie Dust while we Just Keep Swimming. We Whistle While We Work, We Believe in Happy Endings and we KNOW that life is better Under The Sea, because in this house WE DO DISNEY!"

I love dressing up, I love spreading magic and love and its just who I am. Its not for everyone I get that. But there is nothing wrong with it and I am certainly not ashamed of it. 

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"I was born a Disney Princess."

Harlow: You are taking part in this seasons Viral Voice. That must be an amazing opportunity for you. Can you describe to our readers what this experience is about and what it means to you to be able to take part in this, what do you hope to gain from this experience?


Luna: Oh my Gosh.. I am so excited, humbled and honored to be a Challenger on Season 4 of The Viral Voice. Not only that but I have so many talented friends that are also Challengers so I get to go on this journey with them and watch everyone grow as a performer and our friendships grow even more along the way. That is truly what support breeds support is. Not only that but I am going into this not with a gotta win attitude, I am here to Share my love and passion for music with the world and hopefully reach more people with my message of Love Breeds Love, Kindess Breeds Kindness and Support Breeds support.


There are so many bullies in the Real World and Virtual World that I want to encourage everyone to always be kind to one another. I will never understand hate or why there is so much of it. So I will love everyone and everything as much and as hard as I can until hopefully it can make a difference on just one person. If I bring joy to at least one person during this journey, then I will have been a success. Success is measured differently by everyone. To me its what you make of it and what you take from it is how it shapes you. I want to successfully bring lots of joy and happiness and touch lots of hearts and souls. Maybe I can inspire some, that would be magical. 

"Talent is God Given, Be Humble, Fame is Man-Given, Be Grateful, Conceit is Self Given, Be Careful."

Harlow: What do you think of the SL live music industry? Do you think its a healthy environment, are there things that can be improved or done differently for ALL artists to feel inclusive?


Luna: I have a love hate relationship with the SL music community, but I guess any music community in SL or RL is going to have some of that corrupt, clique's and judgment. I admire so many venue's, venue owners and fellow live performers but I have also seen how it changes people and it is not always positive changes. You mentioned earlier about things in my profile you referenced. What I also have in my profile is also very important to me. "Talent is God Given, Be Humble, Fame is Man-Given, Be Grateful, Conceit is Self Given, Be Careful."  This is why I will never stop giving back, this is why my message of support breeds support and love breeds love is so important. There are so many judgmental people in the music community.


I don't want to be put in a bubble, I wanna show the world that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. I am already not even being given the time a day by some venue's simply because they heard that I sing some Broadway or Disney music. Do they not even care that I have about 3 thousand song son my songlist spanning and covering over most genre's. Its because I love music!! I don't understand snap judgments. I don't understand people not getting to know someone first before you form an opinion on someone. I truly do not understand not liking someone just because someones tells you not to. There is alot of that in the music community, to keep us strong we should be working together, we are all on the same team, its not a competition. I think money sometimes goes to people's heads. Yes, its a job, but also a hobby and also supposed to be fun for everyone. That is why always being true to yourself and humble and kind is so important. I wish we could heal all the toxicness that seeps into the community here, unfortunately, i am one person and I can only do so much, but it won;t keep me from trying and keeping a smile on my face while I do so. 

Harlow: We are seeing a lot of artists in SL dual streaming. This fascinates me as one cant hear the other yet it seems like its effortless most of the time. Is this something that you have had a chance to do, or something that you plan to do in the future?


Luna: YES YES YESSS!!! I wanna duel stream and collab with everyone and anyone. I wanna sing with all my friends. I want this soo bad. I have been in talks with many performers about duel streaming and I have only ever actually done it with one other performer that being Mae Anatine with her flute. We did it both ways and it is hard but its magical, and to get to be able to do that is a dream of mine. Agatha has a running list of people she has duel streamed with in her profile and I hope to be on that list one day with her *Wink, Wink*. John Rocky has mentioned duel streaming, I have done some collab work with Arra, Ryeshure and Poul. But the truth is I want to be able to work with everyone, because everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way and what an amazing way to support and love each and everyone for who they are. 

Harlow: In closing is there anything that you would like to share with our readers about being a performer in SL?


Luna: Do it. do it DO IT! If you have a passion for music and performing, no matter what you think of yourself give it a try. Don't ever let anyone bring you down or break you. Do not give up on your dreams. Reach for the stars. Shine bright like a diamond. take all of your love and passion and leave it there raw on stage. But you will never know what you are capable of until you try. And since I am always so quote heavy I will leave you with these lyrics as words to live by. 


"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true"


Never Give Up Hope, Never Stop Believing in Yourself. And always Be Kind To One Another!!

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