
Kathleen Spitfire-Anatine
Kathleen Spitfire-Anatine is a rocker through and through. She is loud, she is raw, she is in your face hard rock. She says it how it is and with Kathleen what you see is what you get. I recently had the pleasure of catching up with fellow Anatine and lead singer of StrangleKat for a chat about everything Kathleen and music,
Harlow: Can you tell us a bit about who Kathleen Spitfire-Anatine is, what makes her who she is?
Kathleen: God.. what a Question! Well I am a very wild soul. I would say I am a one of a kind and I do not play that lightly. I am a rebel soul. I do not give in easy and I live my life as I am no other and why may you ask? Life is just too short in general!
Harlow: You have been in SL for over 12 years now, what keeps you coming back?
Kathleen: Ooh damn what keeps me coming back? I'd say cuz I had fell in love with SL music to be honest. I've seen so many in my early years I was like wow! I love SL.. I love to engage people and make them more than they can be .. lets rock it! I keep coming back for more music!

Harlow: Your band Stranglekat isn't for the faint hearted, you are pure heavy rock, raw and loud. Who are your musical influences and have there any challenges that you have faced in getting a hard rock band gigs in SL?
Kathleen: That's right we are a hard rock band, Yeah, my musical influences are Metallica, Megadeth, Def Leppard and god so many others. But In SL I been influenced by those that sing in this venue. I have had some challenges finding venues to sing at for hard rock but I also turned down or delayed many shows because I do not want to make singing feel like work.

Harlow: Can you tell me about the members of your band and what roles they play and how StrangleKat came to be.
Kathleen. Of course I can!
My Lead Guitar: Magic Lanzius- She and I been friends for many years now, we were in a few bands together before I started singing. We were in Touch Of Essence and The Paul Nowles Band together. So when I started the band I thought of her of course!
My Drummer: Shibasaki Roka- I've known her a few years as well but not as long as Magic. She is quite the comedian herself and always has the quick wit comment when I stage and off. She also helps me a lot when on stage with things like group invites or gestures etc.
My Bass guitar: Kai Chaos Lunatic- She is a recent addition to the band and we have become very good friends. She was on the keyboards and after one of our members left the band she moved up to the bass.
My keyboard player: Amanda Belkin, has been in the band pretty much from day one but on occasion has taken a break here and there. Great friend as well!
How StrangleKat started well, I been in many sl bands and always played either drums or guitar for other singers and I always wanted to sing. I decided well lets try some singing and I wanted a band in SL because well, I want people that come to the show to have a real concert feel. I love my band and sure do not want to be on stage without them. Its part of me and they are important to me and give me encouragement when needed. Now the name is sort of a pun. Being my name short is Kat.. and well when I started singing it was terrible.. so Strangling a cat lol! It still makes me laugh.

Harlow: How would you describe your voice?
Kathleen: My voice is like a Train..it's running on and on.. and doesn't stop but its hard.. and rolling and very raspy! I been told it's like a Joan Jett and Janis Joplin combination! But I wont limit myself to anything and will sing anything I can.
Harlow: We gave discussed this in a conversation before, your style of singing is rough on your throat and vocal cords, and you told me pineapple juice is your remedy. Can you tell us why pineapple juice and how you came across this?
Kathleen: Laughs! Well Yes! I got that from a post and after much research of many singers found that Opera singers use it to lube their throat. I had to know what really worked, I found lots of drinks and teas that might work etc, but to be totally honest the only thing that ever really worked was pineapple juice and it does really lube up the throat so you can .. well Ill leave it at just that.. smirks...
Harlow: You get nervous before a show to the point that you have thrown up before. Does it get easier over time or is it a constant mix of nerves and adrenaline?
Kathleen: GOD yes! I do this about every few shows and Its all nerves and I can't help it.. I do however have to say its very normal for singers to get on stage and have. Joan Jett herself still has stage Fright and she has to get her shit together every show as well .. so I think i am in good company ♥
Harlow: You are a strong woman, you admit that you push the boundaries a lot but I also hear that you are quite the comedian to a point of being asked to do stand up?
Kathleen: OMG yes I been asked to do stand up more than a few times. Truth is I done that in real life so many times i could roll into a work space and just take it over and they all would bust up laughing. This is just my personality and I cannot help this. I am just that person! I have been asked several times to do open comedy and I feel I may soon.. I just had a lot going on in RL now to commit to all that too on top of my band stuff!

Harlow: You have told me that John Rocky recommended a voice coach to you. How has that vocal coaching helped you as an artist to improve?
Kathleen: He so did this! I was so lost really. My family told me I would not ever sing and well I talked to John. He recommended this vocal coach and well omg in a few lessons Ken Tamplin got me on the right track!♥
Harlow: You have recently moved back in with your dad, what's that dynamic like now that you are an adult?
Kathleen: OOH shit that's like it sounds, god. .feel what it is.. you yourself as your age moving in with your dad as you were at you were a teen? But he knows I am a full grown woman now so he still lets it back .. but he wants to control it still .. so yeah .. its tough lol. But he has been great and supportive and one fantastic Dad!♥

Harlow: What's your opinion of the live music scene in sl and what advice would you give to anyone wanting to or just starting out?
Kathleen: The live music scene is now very crazy to be honest. The is so many out there that the moment and I would suggest those that are new do not expect big money right away and if you want to make it and stay in this rock star life .. take tips only and geezus.. rock on.. fuck SL is too much fun.. live it!♥
Harlow: In closing is there room for another Anatine in your band...I cant sing or play anything..hmm maybe a tambourine, but I can make coffee and stuff....smiles sweetley
Kathleen. For You Harlow, I may have lots of band room and hey I always need someone to hand me drink when I am on stage and always love a fellow Anatine!♥
Thank You Kathleen