
It is said that music is the universal language of mankind, so when I decided to do an overhaul of the Droppin' The Stream website I made the decision to change it from a "live music" to a "music" website as I feel that SL has so much to offer in the way of music in general. With that in mind I approached my dear friend Todd Wellington to give me an insight into the highly successful tribute band Jokers Wild.

Harlow: Todd thank you for taking time out to have a chat to me about your tribute band Jokers Wild. Can you tell me a bit about the concept behind the band and how it came into being and how you found your niche in SL music.
Todd: Well the history of Jokers Wild came about when I was a backup band member with a Live singer which evolved into I being able to work with a couple bands before starting Jokers Wild. I was able to recruit a few members from my past bands and got my debut as Jokers Wild at Greased Lightning.
Harlow: How did the name Jokers Wild come about? Is here a a meaning behind it or just a random name pulled out of a hat?
Todd: A few names came to mind for the band. Myst and I settled on Jokers Wild because I am always joking around with her so the name just fit.
Harlow: I have recently changed Droppin The Stream from being a "live" music website to being a music website in general as I have found that there is so much variety in SL and we all perceive music differently. Have you found that there are venues or people out there that don't take tribute bands band seriously? Is so what would you say to them?
Todd:I have heard some live singers don't take us seriously but I have never ran into one yet that believes that, We ( Jokers Wild) partner with venues across the grid to give their patrons the best concert experience as SL allows, We want people leaving our show wanting more. The best compliment we can receive by someone is that we trigged a past concert memory from RL
Harlow: Have you ever had a venue say to you that they want you to play a tribute to a band or artist that you just really don't like?
Todd: I tell venue owners we do not do rap or techno. Sometimes a venue owner will pick a band or artist that may only have 2-3 hit songs that is where I ask them does that person have a good hours worth of music? If they don't I suggest maybe we could do two artist in the same show.
Harlow: How many band members do you have and what are their roles or does it differ from gig to gig? Do you all have a say as a band about what shows that you do and don't do?
Todd:I have 10 band members. Every band member can play any instrument and do lead singer roles.. That makes things flexible for me as far as assigning roles. I strictly leave the gig up to the venues if they do need some direction I or Myst will help with that.
Harlow: In your opinion what is one of the best shows that you have put on, and what made you enjoy it more than others?
Todd I personally like AC/DC or Guns & Roses the music is good and played in front of large groups we had 93 people show up once. (Jim, Whill) Van Halen the audience participation was great.
Harlow: You have a long term love in Myst, 5 years if I am correct? Do you still get women (and men) openly flirt with you because you are in a band, even though they know you are partnered? If so how does that make Myst feel or is it something that is just part of the "job"?
Todd's partner Myst jumps in to answer the next few questions
Myst: This is something that comes along with the territory when you are performing in a band. As far as it bothering me, No...I know after the concert that Todd is coming home with me!
Harlow: Droppin' The Stream takes up so much of my SL time and I know that you also build sets for your shows when needed. How much time does building and planning a Jokers Wild set take up of your SL and what sacrifices if any do you have to sometimes give up?
Myst: It takes a lot of effort and time but we enjoy each other while doing this.
Harlow: I have made some dear friends through Droppin' The Stream (lost a few too for that matter) What is it that you love about the SL music community and what do you think are some of the downfalls?
Todd: I have really met some great venue owners through the concerts we have put on. Most people in the music world are willing to help you with new technology as far as instruments and light systems. There are some who will not at all like its a big secret of the trade. I feel we are all in the entertainment business and there is enough venues around for every tribute band big or small..
Harlow: If you could be any musician in the world, who would it be and why?
Todd: Now thats a difficult question...hmmm I think I would have to be Angus Young. Reason being is he plays the guitar and that is something I like doing and AC/DC just rocks.
Harlow: In closing I am a huge fan of The Eagles...do you think Jokers Wild may ever do a tribute show to them....That was a hint BTW LOL
Todd: Yes we have done them in the past. They have great music their music is timeless.. We always let the venue decide on the shows they want. So sadly Harlow I am not sure when our next show will be, When one comes up you will be the first to know.

Thank You Todd & Myst