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Back in my very early days of blogging I referred to Hogan Baily as the energiser bunny on steroids, and I still stand by that, as this man is so much more than a live singer. He is a true performer and entertainer, a man who gives his all to each and every set that he does. His energy and enthusiasm for what he is doing right here and now is what makes a Hogan show so much fun. I am honoured that Hogan took time out of his busy schedule to have a chat with me about all things music and of course his beloved Miss Molly. I hope that you enjoy this interview as much as I do.  Harlow

Harlow: Hogan: Thank you so much for agreeing to talk to me for Droppin' The Stream, I appreciate it and look forward to where this conversation goes. 


May I start with how old were you when you realised that you had a talent for singing and how were you encouraged grow that talent and explore a musical journey? Are you from a musical family?


Hogan:  Thanks so much Harlow for your interest and DTS.  My mom was the singer in the family.  She was always singing us to sleep, or singing Sundays in the church choir.  Out of high school, she gave up a scholarship to Juilliard in NY to stay in CA and marry my father.


Harlow: What was the role of music in your early years,who were your musical influences growing up and how has that changed and evolved as you have?


Hogan:  Oh music was everything growing up!  I think its the same for nearly everyone.  Look how music can bring back memories so strong that you tear up. There are so many very talented people that I admire, but I'd say that someone like Steve Tyler, or David Lee Roth, or Bruce Springsteen, or Peter Wolf (J. Geils Band) are among those who shaped the way I perform.  They are entertainers as well as musicians, and put a ton of energy into performances.


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Harlow: There is no doubt that you are a true performer, your sets aren't just about you singing, you  are so energetic and involved. How important is it to you to interact with your audience, give them a great hour of showmanship and make them feel like they have just spent time with a "friend"


Hogan:  There's an energy you can draw from a live audience.  When you're feeling it, and feeding off it, it empowers you.  I've sung to empty rooms, early on especially, but nothing compares to a rowdy crowd of people who are enjoying themselves.  I do try to stay up with local chat as much as I can.  It can lead to some pretty funny conversations!


Harlow: I am always interested to hear how people came to be in SL, can you tell me how you came to be in here and what keeps you coming back after so long ?


Hogan:  I followed a friend here back in 2008.  It was interesting for a while, but I was getting bored of it.  I would have quit altogether if I hadn't found the music scene.  I thought the DJs were great, and then heard live singing and was hooked.


Harlow: Carrying on from that, how did get a start in the SL live music scene, do you remember your first gig and what it felt like that first time to be reaching out to people from all over the world, people you wouldn't be able to reach without SL.


Hogan:  A friend who was performing in SL at the time gave me encouragement to try it out.  First show was all country, and most of my early shows were country going forward.  I do like to sing just about every genre.  It's more about the song than the style for me. 


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Harlow: You have showed snippets of your home studio on FB, which looks so very cool, can you tell your music peers who are reading this what equipment you use to bring your music into sl. (this answer will be totally over my head)


Hogan:  Oh yeah!  I use a laptop to supply the music, through a Gigaport eX, into a Behringher X1204USB, where I mix in the Blue Baby Bottle microphone.  That all feeds out through a USB to my desktop that runs SL and the BUTT streaming program.  Phew!


Harlow: It would be remiss of me if I didn't ask about the fabulous Hi-steppers who join you on stage. How did you come to have backup dancers in the first place and how much do they add to your fun on stage?


Hogan:  They evolve as I do!  They are now The Spitfires.  The dancers were borrowed from Savannah Coronet.  We often did back to back shows and she would have her dancers stay on stage with me!  TY Savvy =)


Harlow: Is there anything about the SL live music scene that you think could be improved or changed in any way?


Hogan:  I don't know how this could be improved or changed, but I'd like for venue owners to get more recognition for what they do.  They are the rockstars.


Harlow:  If you could tag along with any musician in the world on their tour who would you choose and why?

Hogan:  You said any musician.  Prince.  I would have NO idea what to expect, but it would be EPIC.


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Harlow: As an Australian, I am fascinated to learn about peoples lives in other parts of the world, can you tell me a bit about where you live and what makes it special to you?...You have snow!!!!


Hogan:   WE HAVE SNOW!  I don't mind snow that much, long as I don't get stuck shoveling.  I rather enjoy driving in it, especially when there's no one else out.  New Hampshire only has a few cities, and I live in one of them.  I'm a ten minute drive from any store you'd need, and about 45 minutes from Boston.  I'm on the very southern border, next to Massachusetts.  Two hours north, the White Mountains stretch across the state, Mount Washington the highest with some of the worst weather in the world (wind speed recorded at 231mph!)


Harlow: Most who know me know that I am an animal lover so I am just going to have to ask about your beloved Miss Molly (she is gorgeous btw) How did she come to be in your life, and how does she make it a better world for you?


Hogan:  Aww yeah!  Mollydog makes me smile daily.  I found her online at .Pibbles and More Animal Rescue.  Once all the paperwork was approved and the interviews and fees... I drove to Rochester, NY to get her Fourth of July, 2017.  No traffic at all!  Anyway, I talk out loud a lot now.  People must think I'm loony.  I get used to talking to Mollydog and it continues outside the house LOL.


Harlow: In closing, if you could give advice to someone wanting to start their musical journey in SL what would it be?


Hogan: LOVE WHAT YOU DO.  I mean look forward to it, enjoy it while it lasts, and just feel good at the end cause you gave em all you had!

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