
Hedy Patrucci
In SL singing circles Hedy Patrucci needs no introduction. She is simply an Icon.
A long timer performer in both RL and SL Hedy has a powerhouse voice like no other and a sense of humour and wit to match. She is so down to earth and engaging that I often find myself laughing out loud during her sets, and so does she. A true performer who loves nothing better than to leave her audience smiling and coming back for more. I am thrilled that Hedy agreed to be our May Artist of the Month.
Harlow: Hedy thank you for taking the time to chat with me, I appreciate it. You have been in sl a long time, I am always fascinated by how people come to be in SL. Can you tell me how you came to be in his crazy place and are still here.
Hedy: My brother introduced me to sl, he is an AWESOME singer but not in sl anymore. I was at his home while he was singing and asked me to do a song.
Harlow: What made you want to perform in here,? Do you recall your first performance and venue..what got you started and what you keeps performing?
My first performance was @ kickin. Man i was so nervous lol
Loved it and well got hooked..lol
Harlow: I heard you sing for the first time (sooo long ago in January LOL ) It was at COW and you were singing "I'd rather go blind" I remember being totally stunned at the power your voice and the audience was loving it so much. What is that like as a performer in SL for you to have that affect on people who are literally all over the world?
Hedy It feels awesome!! You know singing is like breathing to me.
My goal is for everyone to have an enjoyable experience listening and to make them "feel" the song.
I sing for the love of singing.
Harlow: What is your opinion of the live music scene in SL , what would you change and would you encourage others to give it a try?
Hedy: It's unbelievable what awesome talent we have on sl.
And the way most of us support each other. Jealousy will take you nowhere. The way i see it each one of us is good in what she/he does.
What i don't like is competition! To me there is no competition.
Big shout out to venue owners!
Without them we would not have a place to sing and it's very important to support them.
Harlow; Unless I am mistaken , you dont have a "Manager: in SL but you play all over the grid. Is that a personal choice for you to handle your own SL career?
Hedy : LOL..i kinda sorta have a manager. Lord helps me out with bookings, promo posters, sending out notices you name it So i'm not really doing it on my own.
Harlow" Who are your musical influences and what or who are you listening to at the moment?
Hedy: I Love Blues Jazz! LOVE Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Beth Hart you name it.
Pop tunes..any kind of music actually.
Wide range of artists, if its nice to my ears i will try to sing it.
Harlow: On a personal note, you have the loveliest partner in Lord and the love you share is evident at your shows. He is your biggest fan. How wonderful is that to have a partner that not only supports you in what you do but isnt afraid to show his love for you to the sl world.
Hedy: well actually he is afraid but i pay him good to say all the things he does ha ha..just kidding.
He is awesome and makes me feel sooo good. I can be myself and truly enjoy what im doing.
There are no words to tell you how he makes me feel...so special, loved and with respect.
Love him dearly!
Harlow.: In closing, what advice would you give up and coming artists and if you had a choice would yo do it all again?
Hedy No advice really just enjoy and sing your heart out. And yes I would do it all over again but with the knowledge i have now.
Thank you so very much Harlow for giving me this opportunity to be featured on your awesome music blog! ♥
Thank You Hedy
Pics courtesy of Lord
PS Hedy.... one word......FRED is off limits...ok that was more than one word