
There are times when you meet someone and you just know that they are a good person. That such person for me is Aurora Sinatra. She is kind, she is funny, she is sweet and she has a wicked sense of humour. She is loved by many and it's these qualities that make her an in demand hostess. I am proud to be able to call her my friend and to bring to you, the readers a look into the world of Aurora, the hostess with the mostess. Love Harlow

Harlow: Aurora what is a beautiful person like you doing in this mixed up crazy world called SecondLife? How did you come to be in here and what it it about this other life that keeps you coming back?
Aurora: To start with, I am mixed up and crazy too hahah so a perfect fit in this world!!! When I joined SL I really didn't care much for it, then I got hooked up in the live music and also with some people who mean the world to me, and I never left . I just couldn't.
Harlow: You are a hostess in demand. What made you decide to start hosting in SL and what was the venue that you started at? Do you remember how you felt that first time?
Aurora: Aww I am happy to hear that. I had been asked by my friend Lexi , who needed some help and I just seemed to fit in. I started hosting with KMG(Key's Management Group), the first singer that I hosted for Holly Giles. The venue's name was STANZA and I just loved that hour. I was a bit nervous thinking I would mess up, but Holly was so easy going and everything went fine, I really really enjoyed the time and after that I never looked back. Loved the music, people and the party!
Harlow: You are of course someone that I love dearly, (you have stood me up on our wedding day sooo many times lol) What does the friendship and bonds that you create with others in SL mean to you?
Aurora: SL and RL are pretty same to me, cause I live Second life through my emotion. The bonds that I have with people in SL is so real, I love them to death and I would say that some of them are my life saviour. I believe that I wouldn't have made it this far in my rl if I haven't joined SL, you all keeping me alive. (Btw my offer for our wedding is still on the table 😉)

Harlow: What is it about hosting that you love so much? I don't host often but when I do it's hard work for me, keeping up greeting people and making conversation in local chat but you make it look so easy
Aurora: I usually keep to myself, but I do like to hang out with people. I just never ask, thinking what if I am bothering them, but when its a music event I can actually have all of my fave people together at one place and hang out with them. That's what I like the most about hosting and it seems that I am a natural hahahah! There are some days I feel down but as soon as the party starts, it cheers me up.
Harlow: How do you deal with people who come to a venue that you are hosting at and they grief others and create drama?
Aurora: Mostly i dont let that happen on my stand, but even if they do I take away the conversation with another topic, it's hard to get the floor when i am talking LOL. I have never really been involved in any drama until last year in october! OMG i almost left SL, but I didn' t cause so many people stood beside me and I could actually see their love for me, up close. So when I cant handle something myself I know I have my loved ones around me ♥
"The bonds that I have with people in SL is so real, I love them to death"
Harlow: The beauty of SL is that we get to meet people from all over the world that we would never have a chance to otherwise. You live in Bangladesh, can you tell us what your country is like, what do you love and hate about it?
Aurora: hmm.. lets start with the Hate, i hate the people over here 😂 except for the people everything else is fine. Living is cheap here, which is good. What I love the most about my country is FOOD! Well that goes for every country though !!

Harlow...PIZZA, you looooooove pizza, well i think you are just a foodie in general. What is your favourite comfort food?
Aurora: This is a very very hard question, I can give you a whole menu of my comfort Food but Ii will have some mercy on that, its 'Beef tehari' ( a local food), I will give you a link to have ideas
Harlow: Apart from hosting what do you like to do in SL?
Aurora: I like to do shopping A LOT. I also make custom tattoo's in SL, butI am too lazy to open my shop that I named BLINK. but maybe one day. I also do a little bit of building.
Harlow: What kind of music do you like? Do you have a favorite perfomer in sl and rl?
Aurora: i like all kind of music, even opera as long as its good. And about SL performers, honestly its hard to take one name. I like and love so many of them, but there is one singer I would like to mention, Stephanniyah Sinatara!! I love this lady to death, as a person, as a singer! sShe is the most amazing person I have ever seen. Ii do have plans to move in with her one day 😍
I love you so much Harlow, thank you so much for taking time and setting up this interview