
Agatha Nowles
with guest interviewer
Holly Giles
Agatha Nowles - Anatine is such a beautiful person body and soul. She is sexy, she is sassy, she is hilarious and she has a voice that is just exquisite. Thinking about an interview with Agatha for the May featured artist I had the idea of asking her grand daughter , the wonderfully talented Holly Giles if she would like to do the honours..thankfully she said yes. So I now hand it over to Holly - Harlow
Holly: Hello Nana (a.k.a. Agatha Nowles)! Wow, can you believe they put you and me together for an interview? Oh what fun we are going to have, haha!
Firstly, congratulations on being named Droppin' The Stream's Featured Artist of the Month! Secondly, I was asked to be your guest interviewer, and jumped at the chance to interview my Nana! It is an honour to be able to do this with you :) Now lets get started .....
Agatha: Thank you babe, I’m honored to be here specially with you !

Holly: How old were you when you first discovered that you could sing and have you ever sung anywhere publicly in RL?
Agatha: I recall since early age me my brother and my cousins play instruments and sing in my uncle’s studio. He had a band at that time and we used to play around when he was touring. I used to teach at university and my students were in a contest and needed someone to sing Bon Jovi for them . So i had to learn “It's My Life” and sang it with their band lol, that was all.
Holly: Please, tell us about your relationship with Mustard. How long has this love affair been going on, and is Pizza the only 3rd party involved?
Agatha: Girl, mustard is life, here in brazil we put mustard on hamburgers, hot dogs, cook with mustard , make mustard sauce and also mustard on steak. Pepperoni pizza is perfect with mustard . You all should try it, specially you, nana would be so proud !!!
Holly: LOL, I'll think about it!
How do you manage to juggle everything in your life! your RL career, your SL Career, your children (which includes a baby!), your Safadona nights (which we will discuss!), catching up with SL & RL family and friends, going to Music Jams etc. Do you EVER sleep?!
Agatha: I am a planner freak. I have a RL calendar and SL calendar so all i do is match them . I plan my week in advance so I can balance things .

Holly: WHAT IS A SAFADONA?! And please tell us, in detail about the first Safadona Night you organised, lol! Also, if you plan on doing this with us weekly, will I need to start going to church for confession?
Agatha: Lol safadona is a superlative of safada which means a kinky girl. Well it can be used as kinky but also can describe a woman who knows her worth, power, intelligence and knows how to enjoy life by herself . So this idea came up and it was really super fun, I saw a post of a friend on fb advertising this club and I was like “why not?” . So it was Kat Chaveau’s b'day and she is a big safadona, so I got together a group of girls and we went to this place. Getting there all guys were dancing and we would tip them and they would moan hahahahaha we had so much fun and laughed soooo very hard !
Holly: Hahaha, I thought it was just going to be a strip club, but oh, it was so so so much more than that! xD
Please tell us how you got started singing in Second Life... what made you want to, who helped you, first venue you sang at etc, and can you remember the first song you ever sung in a live show?
Agatha: I started singing because Maxx Sabretooth once heard me singing while I was making me some coffee so he asked me to record some tracks of duets for him. But as I didn't sing I started practicing on Smule with him. So I started going to open mics and one day Carl from Vincent's scheduled a show. I didn't think anyone would show up but there were 80 friends there and it freaked me out at first but then it was fun. So I started singing and since then I have been having way too much fun!
First song at a karaoke was do that to me one more time by Captain and Tenille and girl, I was shakin like a tree in a storm.
Holly: I always see your name associated with RFL events and charities. Can you tell us what RFL means to you?
Agatha: I believe what goes around come around and I had and still have such good things from life that i like to give it back. RFL, HFOT, Feed a Smile and TAO are events i always participate cause i believe in what they do. For RFL i am mostly associated with Camp for a Cure cause we Anatines are family !

Holly: You popped my dual streaming cherry! Can you tell me who else's cherry you've popped, or even just who else you've dual streamed with?
Agatha: Didn't it feel good? I also popped Tony Slade, Katia Portugal, Maxx Sabretooth and I am sure there were others i cant recall now . So here goes a list of people I have dual streamed with :
Maxx Sabretooth ,Tony Slade ,Max Kleene ,Katia Portugal 'Toxie Darkmatter ,Djembe Dragonfly ,John Rocky ,Melly Faith ,Bono Foroux
,Neo Maximus ,Gina Stella ,Bat Masters ,Ed Lowel ,Marqs Desade
,Holly Giles ,Satin & Erin ,Naughty ,Collin Martin ,DirtyDee .Reno Jones
Marina Sharpshire ,Mama Saiz.................To be continued
Holly: Today is your Birthday (!!Happy Birthday!!) which means you wont be answering these questions today I'm guessing lol. So, tell us about how your birthday went, in both RL and SL. How did you celebrate, and with who?
Agatha: Well i had it as a normal day, did nothing in RL cause no one had told me would come to my house so I didn't cancel my 2 shows scheduled. First show happening and then my son shows up - that same boy that dances behind me while I’m singing lol - to tell me my Godmother was here … I was lucky and shameless at the same time to ask Collin (Collin Martin) who was in the audience to sing in my place cause it was my b'day and he couldn't say no lol, so he did and i didn't have a second show.
Holly: You have been in SL for almost 13 years now (Rez day is on the 1st May). Is there anything about SL you would like to see change, or anything you wish they would bring back? Do you think you will ever leave SL?
Agatha: I'm never leaving, I have great friends there and the time I am singing is therapy for me. I think flexi hair was so awesome!
Holly: Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions!! Before you go .... between 10/10 and 10/10, what would you rate your experience with me, in general? xD
Agatha: Hahahahaha 10 !!!! Love you babe , thank you so much
Thank You Agatha and Holly