Wes West
Well, this month (February) is a very special month for Droppin’ The Stream. It is our first anniversary of the creation of the blog!! And that gives reason for a very big celebration with this milestone event. With that being said, we had to search for a very special singing artist to honor this month’s section of DTS’s “Featured Artist.” And who could that be other than the talented Wes West (gitarzar). I met Wes West a couple of years ago after returning from my seven-year hiatus from Second Life. I was doing what I do best, searching singers to perhaps start managing again, when I fell upon a show being performed by Wes. His voice was so mellow and his live guitar playing was exceptional. I sent him an instant message telling him of how much I enjoyed his show. We chatted extensively throughout the next few months about music, SL life, real life, love and any other subject that would pop up. No, I didn’t become his manager, but did become a fan and good friend. So I invite you Wes to sit at my campfire, have a glass of wine, and let me share your story with the great fans and people of Second Life. - Trishia

Trishia: I’m going to start with one of the most asked about questions of every avi that comes to SL. We all have our own special story. How did you find SL?
Wes: It was winter 2015, cold and snowy, and I was getting cabin fever. I love being outside. So I googled adult virtual worlds. I had heard something about virtual reality, and SL came up. It was something like Sims.
Trishia: Oh yes, I use to play Sims.
Wes: I made my account; it asked me for a name, and I had just been to the local guitar store called the Guitat Czar. And I thought, hmm ok. Gitarzar.
Trishia: Cool.
Wes: Which turned out to be fortunate for me because, about the 3rd day I was here, someone asked in an IM if I played guitar. “I said I do!” Then they asked if I was a performer here. I was like what? I had no clue there was music here. So, she (Wendi Faith) took me to see of all people, Jimmy T!!
Trishia: Wow!! An amazing artist Jimmy T is!!
Wes: My first SL concert. I was blown away!! I couldn’t believe it! I wanted to see more. So, I started going to as many concerts as I could find. Such amazing talent here!! Then Wendy asked me one day if I had a web site. So, I shared my ReverbNation music site. She listened and said that I needed to perform here. I had no idea how to do it, so she introduced me to Vinnie.
Trishia: Who's Vinnie?
Wes: Vinnie taught me how to stream. Acoustic Rhapsody, I think is his name. He is amazing! He’s been playing in SL for many years. He plays guitar and piano, and he is a professional drummer as well. So, he taught me how to stream. Then Wendi said, “Come let’s go to an open mic.” After she listened to me stream, she gave me some pointers. Wendi isn’t in SL much anymore. I miss her company we became good friends, but you know how RL and SL goes, people come and go. So, I did an open mic at the Whiskey Go Round one night.
Trishia: So, Whiskey go Round was your first performance?
Wes: Yes. Laya happened to be there that night.
Trishia: Yes, I know Laya. She owns Café Musique.
Wes: She asked if I would like to have a regular spot there. (Café Musique) I was like sure!! So, that was the start. This singing in SL fulfills part of me that I had wanted for so many years! I was in a trio at the time - acoustic and then a rock band.
Trishia: In real life?
Wes: Yes. Funny too, before I found SL I had recorded and arranged a lot of the songs we played. I made some backing tracks. I don’t recall why. But when I started in SL, I had all of these arrangements all ready. And so, it began!! I was ready!!
Trishia: So, Wes, to me you're a pretty laid-back singer who sings with their heart on their sleeve. Tell me how you see yourself and what type of songs do most your fans request?
Wes: Hmm How I see myself? Ok, so many years ago I performed for quite a large audience. I thought I did pretty good, until a good friend told me after the show that I missed my calling. Thinking he was going to compliment me on my musical abilities, he then said I should have been a comedian. Laughing now - I was like oh wow was that a compliment? So, I have friends and family who help me keep it real in addition to so many talented performers in SL. OK, back to the question. I see myself as a guy who loves playing the guitar and singing songs that have meaning. I choose songs that I relate to, emotions I have experienced, so when I sing them, I almost feel as if I wrote those songs myself. And being in the bass vocal range, I have to play those songs in my own style, if that makes sense. I just can't reproduce a song the way the original artist did. It doesn't work unless they were in my vocal range. And, of course, it all goes back to the beginning... I learned the guitar when I was 14. I was visiting my oldest brother for the summer in Oklahoma and met this cute Oklahoman girl. I fell for her as much as a 14-year-old can. My brother had a guitar, and I had this idea of learning a song to sing for her. So, I asked him if he would teach me. He showed me 3 chords and handed me an old folk song book. Away I went. But summer was over before I was able to learn much in order to sing to her. But the rest is history… singing my heart out for lost loves. OK I think I wrote a book here.
Trishia: And we all love to read books! LOL

Trishia: Some of us know that you are from Mid USA and have had awesome real-life jobs. Would you like to tell us a little of that part of your life?
Wes: I was commissioned an officer in the US Army out of college, sent to West Germany as it was known back then. I spent four years active duty and another six in the reserves. I had various duties and assignments. For some reason I volunteered to go to Jump School (paratrooper). I got my wings which I consider one of my proudest moments, to face that fear of falling…I mean jumping out of an airplane and trusting your life to a large canvas cloth!
I had several different careers after the military, not really ever figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. I worked in security, insurance adjuster, pizza delivery. I had a tough time finding a proper profession to support myself and my family for quite a while.
Somehow, I was recruited to become a police officer. I did that for 23 years and never really planned on that being my profession. Thinking, I will take this job until I find what I really want to do. Well before I knew it time had flown by quickly, and I ended up retiring in law enforcement. I will say the highlight of that career was teaching the DARE program to elementary schools. I loved "hanging" with that age group
Trishia: Oh yes, I know the DARE program. Drug Alcohol Resistance Education. Many schools have a great rapport with the officers because of that program, and kids need to know that police are their friends.
Wes: Along the way I ended up serving in the Middle East flying UAV's (drones) for the Navy. I got recruited by way of my hobby or rather passion for radio-controlled airplanes. This was early on in the UAV program, and they were having difficulty in finding soldiers who were able to learn how to fly these aircraft. So, the Navy turned to us civilians who had already spent time and our own money on perfecting our craft. And of course, during my life, I always had a guitar with expressing my feelings and emotions through music.
Trishia: Yes, Wes, I agree. Most of your steady fans can tell when you have had a sad day or a happy day. I prefer the happy day Wes lol….

Trishia: Who are some of your real-life musical influences and why?
Wes: James Taylor, America, Three Dog Night, Dan Fogelberg, CCR, so many to name. I listened to them all in my teen years. But as far as guitar style I loved how JT and America played those acoustic guitars.
Trishia: When you're not singing in SL, is there anything else you enjoy doing in SL?
Wes: I go to as many live shows as I can. So many incredible performers here. I have recently discovered a game called Hand and Foot. I am soooo addicted!!!
Trishia: Do you have any advice for new singers in SL?
Wes: Don’t take it too seriously, have fun and always be willing to learn from others. When I started there were many who helped me learn the ins and outs of the technical aspects. Also, listen to your audience especially if they say you are too loud or too soft etc. They can be a great asset.
Trishia: Would you like to tell us anything about you that you would love us to know?
Wes: I so enjoy playing for anyone who will listen. It gives me great satisfaction to share my music. I have written a few tunes that I play in here. I get good comments which really makes me smile.
A great big thank you to Wes for sharing his story!! And thank you Wes for all the service you have given us in the USA through your military and police work. Contrary to what some citizens say, the majority of the American people love and appreciate our military and police. I’m so glad we became friends, and I know the other DTS staff members are happy to have you in their lives as well.
And also everyone – Please mark your calendars for February 24th for DTS’s big celebration event!!!
Thank You Wes