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Hogan Bailey @ ACS Racing for a Cure 22/05/21

I haven't blogged in nearly a month...why ..who knows.. lost my mojo maybe, RL has been hectic and the behind the scenes of the blog take up a lot of my time.......shrugs well that's my excuse anyway.

So after another day in my PJ's flicking through Netflix Jase comes home to find that I had once again taken the last beer from the fridge.....OOPPPPS. He hands me my laptop and says......"look at 7pm then go get have a blog to write"...REALLY !!!!! I am cosy as I am but reluctantly I flick though events......hmmm nope cant see anyone making me get out of my pj's....hang on...back tracks . Hogan Bailey at ACS Racing For A Cure...hosted by none other than the Anatine crew. Geez Jase you could have just told upstairs I throw on a dress and some heels, brushes my hair and sprays on perfume......cmon Jase I am ready.....sheesh!!! men!!!!

Now Hogan Bailey would have to be one of the happiest performers in SL...I have said it before and I will say it again, he is like the energiser bunny on steroids. A ball of energy who makes no two shows the just can't be sad at a Hogan show, and the Anatine crew are just a beautiful family who make you feel welcome no matter what. Their commitment to ACS and Relay For Life is an inspiration so it was a no brainer collaboration that I knew would make me glad to get out of the house.

Hogan was joined on stage by his wonderful dancers, the High-steppers. as he put on a performance that was so varied in what he sang but also seamless in how it flowed and meshed together. From blues to rock to country this man can sing it all and he does it with so much vitality and passion that you just get swept away in the tidal wave that is Hogan Bailey. If you haven't been bitten by the Hogan bug I strongly suggest you get along to a show, slap a tag on your forehead and become a Hogan's Hero......Lets ride the crazy train together.

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